As our societies become increasingly diverse, the issue of how to ensure societal cohesion, mutual understanding, and well-being comes to the forefront. Ethnic divisions and the inclusion of migrants have recently received a lot of attention, but other divisions are also problematised such as those between people on different incomes, of different (dis)abilities, political views and identities. In this panel of the 82nd International Scientific conference of the University of Latvia we invite all whose research connects in one way or another with the diversity of society, which can be viewed in many different ways, and social welfare, which can be a cross-cutting theme for a very wide range of issues. Presentations can be either in Latvian or in English. Chair: Dr.sc.soc. Inta Mieriņa.
Please submit applications for participation in the conference by April 20, 2024 by filling out the registration form: https://conferences.lu.lv/event/570/registrations/337/ In the application, please indicate the author(s) of the report, the title and the abstract of the report (not exceeding 250 words).